As a first grader, Becca spent a year in a small Belgian town because of her father’s sabbatical, attending a French speaking school and traveling around the continent exploring. Since she was seven she had always dreamed of providing the same opportunity for her hypothetical future children.
Brian spent most of his childhood NOT exploring the rest of the world but instead exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest hiking and camping with his family (with occasional trips to the Ozarks to visit family). However, after gaining an internship in Melbourne, Australia after grad school and traveling thereafter, he too gained the travel bug.
So when Becca met Brian she shared this dream with him, and after traveling around the world together for 15 months soon after they got married, they knew that they were game for future international experiences as a family.
Kai and Alex were born in 2009 and 2011 and the countdown began. Thanks to the freedom of being self-employed free-lance workers our family is portable. So in the summer of 2017 before Alex entered first grade (and after 9 months plus of paperwork and preparation) we moved to Paris to start this new adventure.